Without all of you, this wouldn’t happen!
WFSO Committee member
The WFSO Board of Directors oversees individual committees that facilitate all areas of running a symphony orchestra. You can be a part of the symphony family by giving your time as a committee member. Please let us know where your areas of interest lie. Volunteers are needed for the following committees: Education, Development, Hospitality and Marketing.
Concert Night Team
Volunteer to be an usher on concert night or help out in the box office.
The Wichita Falls Symphony League
The Wichita Falls Symphony League is a non-profit organization of volunteers whose purpose is to support and promote the growth of the Wichita Falls Symphony Orchestra, Inc., to stimulate interest and appreciation of symphonic music, to promote the growth of culture in our community, and to support young musicians through scholarships and other means. Their work is supported through community fundraising activities and volunteer work such as providing meals for the WFSO’s musicians during rehearsals. Membership in the Symphony League is available annually. For more information, on becoming a member, go to the Wichita Falls Sympohny League website.
Would you like to connect with the WFSO musicians on a more personal level? Sign up to be a host to one of our out of town musicians on concert weekend! The WF Symphony League program will pair you with an out of town musician who needs a place to rest in between rehearsal and concert start time! Call 940-733-3059 for more information on how you can be involved in this program.
Young People’s Concert
The Second Annual Young People’s Concert on January 24th, 2020 was a huge success! Approximately 2,000 students, parents, and teachers from several districts in the Texoma area were in attendance for our performance of Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf.” We also partnered with Region 9 to host our first Fine Arts Discovery Day! Our next Young Person’s Concert has been rescheduled from January 26th, 2022, to a date to be determined in 2023 (due to Covid-19). For more information about our Young Person’s Concert and how to volunteer, please view our 2022-2023 Young People’s Concert page; we will update the page as new information becomes available.
We’d love to hear from you!